We exist to know Jesus
& make him known.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is our only hope.

The story of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the center of what we believe. In the gospel we see that God ultimately designed man to be in perfect communion with Him, but man chose his own ambition over God. This caused sin and death to enter into the world, resulting in brokenness in every aspect of human life. Jesus lovingly came into the world, fully man and fully God, and lived the perfectly righteous life that we could not. He went to the cross to die the death we deserve for our sin, absorbing its penalty and debt, so that we could come into right relationship with God. He rose three days later, defeating death. He ascended to heaven where he now reigns with God the Father. One day he’ll come again to heal and restore all of creation. At the center of this story is the good news that through faith in Christ, we are adopted into the family of God.

Our Statement of Faith

The First Baptist Church statement of faith articulates the doctrine we believe as a church. These beliefs are foundational to our church, a summary of what the Bible proclaims about the central matters of our faith.

Our full statement of faith summarizes biblical doctrine, which is gospel-centered doctrine. We believe the Bible is centered on the message of the gospel and we want our doctrine and our life as a church to be centered on and continually shaped by this same gospel. Click here to read our full statement of faith.

In addition to our Statement of Belief, you can read our church seeks to embody these beliefs in our values below.


Our Core Values

Authentic | We seek to be honest before the world and each other, humbly recognizing our own failures in becoming passionate, healthy followers of Jesus

Gospel-Centered | We seek to be a people who intentionally live in the presence of God allowing life transformation to happen through the influence of the Bible and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Missional | We seek to actively engage with the world to purposely serve the needs of our community in real and relevant ways so that the gospel can be presented through our words and lives.